Did you know that…?

Your intestines contain more than a kilogram of living bacteria, which have a significant impact on the immune, physiological and protective processes taking place in the human body. Therefore, the intestinal microflora is separated as another metabolic active and renewable organ.

In the large intestine (colon) there is the most diversified microflora in terms of quality, quantity and function, which is represented by all groups of gastrointestinal microorganisms. Studies have shown that the human colon is inhabited by more than 500 different species of bacteria. However, despite the multitude of bacterial species living in the colon, only about 10 coexisting genera with the highest population levels are distinguished. Gram-negative bacteria of the genus Bacteroides and Gram-positive bacteria of the genera Eubacterium, Bifidobacterium (about 25% of the number of anaerobes), Ruminococcus and other species of the genus Clostridium constitute the most numerous population of about 30%.

The bacterial populations present in the intestine are stable and temporarily disturbed and seek to restore equilibrium (homeostasis). However, serious disturbance of homeostasis by external factors such as: antibiotic treatment, radiotherapy, drastic changes in diet, stress cause overgrowth of potentially pathogenic endogenous microflora, and thus the proliferation of pathogens and infections. Most of the acute inflammations resulting in diarrhea are caused by bacteria belonging to the genera: Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia, Clostridium, Campylobacter, Yersinia, Aeromonas.

Pathogenic bacteria, apart from acute infections, may be an etiological factor in chronic colon diseases, e.g. Clostridium difficile belongs to the endogenous intestinal microflora, and as a result of disorders of normal colon microflora, it multiplies and causes pseudomembranous colitis. However, for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and ulcerative colitis (ulcerative colitis), sulfate reducing bacteria and Streptococcus mobilis, Escherichia coli, Fusobacterium, Shigella may cause. Eubacterium, Peptostreptococcus, Pseudomonas, Bacteroides vulgatus, Clostridium difficile and mycobacteria have been isolated from persons suffering from Crohn’s disease.

The relationship between intestinal microflora and colorectal cancer is also obvious, as the bacteria living in the large intestine produce a number of carcinogenic products. It should be remembered, however, that changes in the composition of endogenous microflora are caused not only by external factors, but also by natural aging processes of the organism. It is only at an older age that unfavourable changes related to higher permeability of the intestinal mucosa, increased levels of antibodies directed against intestinal microflora components begin. This results in a reduction in the population of beneficial microflora, i.e. mainly bifidobacteria and an increase in the population of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The consequence of a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria in the intestine is an additional acceleration of aging processes, deterioration of health and well-being.

Against this background, there is a need to influence the composition of microflora in order to stimulate bacteria beneficial for the body, preventing the production of carcinogenic compounds and neutralizing their effects.

According to WHO/FAO (World Health Organization/Food Agriculture Organization/United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization), only strains belonging to the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium can be considered as probiotics, as no pathogenicity characteristics have been detected within these genera. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are among the first to colonise our body immediately after birth and accompany us until the end of our lives. (Source: Biedrzycka E., Markiewicz L.H, Bielecka M., Siwicki A.K., 2007, Kształtowanie mikroekosystemu gastrointestinal tract, Control of digestive system development in newborn mammals, ed. Zabielskiego R., Wyd. Rol. i Leśne, 5, 126-140)

A properly selected probiotic can help to maintain a positive intestinal microflora and improve your mood.

PROteinBIOTIC is the only product on the market containing unique, patented strains of probiotic bacteria combined with high quality protein concentrate. This combination is ideal for active people who care about health and well-being.
Pro-health properties of the strains used in PROteinBIOTIC have been confirmed by the Polish Academy of Sciences.
PROteinBIOTIC is produced in a pharmaceutical production standard and each batch of the product is subject to detailed quality control and is tested at the Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The probiotic properties of bacteria are “strain dependent”, which means that only properly selected strains in the right amount can have a beneficial effect on the organism.